A trust is a legal arrangement where one or more people (called trustees) control money or assets (called trust property) which they must use for the benefit of one or more people (called the beneficiaries).
In short, you are placing the asset in the care of multiple people to ensure the beneficiaries are looked after in a manner that suits you. By leaving assets in trust, you can protect those assets (property, finances etc) from future issues such as re-marriage, family disputes and disinheritance.
Trusts are designed to help your beneficiaries manage their inheritance in a manner that could save them lots of money.
Below are some of the most commonly used trusts that may differ in names, but essentially achieve similar wishes.
Your trustees will be the guardians of the funds/assets you place in trust. They have the discretion to make decisions on how, what and when your beneficiaries inherit from the trust. Anyone can be a trustee; however, you should note one thing. The clue is in the name. TRUSTees should always be people you TRUST to act as you wish, but also in the best interest of the beneficiaries. For that reason, family & friends tend to be my preferred choice, although there is sense in nominating a professional trustee, however, be clear with the fee’s they charge to do this.
In short, Trusts are not there to be restrictive to the beneficiaries, they are there to ensure that the beneficiaries benefit from their inheritance in the best way possible.
A Life Interest Trust (LIT) primarily focuses on assets that are properties.
The trust enables you to leave your beneficial share of the property within trust. It allows an individual (usually your spouse or partner) the ability to benefit from the property for the remainder of their life or a designated period.
A Discretionary Trust is almost the most ‘generic’ of trusts, you can set out guidelines within a letter of wishes for the reason for setting up the trust. It is the framework of the majority of trust we deal with. You nominate who you wish to be your Trustees, these people are then responsible for whatever is placed in that trust, and they act under your instructions set out.
A Vulnerable Person Trust (VPT) is designed specifically to protect any vulnerable beneficiaries within a Will. The vulnerability can be anything from disabilities to addictions. This is when the VPT is perfect, it enables you to leave your estate to the people you wish.
A Life Interest Trust (LIT) primarily focuses on assets that are properties.
The trust enables you to leave your beneficial share of the property within trust. It allows an individual (usually your spouse or partner) the ability to benefit from the property for the remainder of their life or a designated period.
A Discretionary Trust is almost the most ‘generic’ of trusts, you can set out guidelines within a letter of wishes for the reason for setting up the trust. It is the framework of the majority of trust we deal with. You nominate who you wish to be your Trustees, these people are then responsible for whatever is placed in that trust, and they act under your instructions set out.
A Vulnerable Person Trust (VPT) is designed specifically to protect any vulnerable beneficiaries within a Will. The vulnerability can be anything from disabilities to addictions. This is when the VPT is perfect, it enables you to leave your estate to the people you wish.
A Life Interest Trust (LIT) primarily focuses on assets that are properties. The trust enables you to leave your beneficial share of the property within trust. It allows an individual (usually your spouse or partner) the ability to benefit from the property for the remainder of their life or a designated period (this is not to be mistaken for a simple ‘right to reside’ clause which can be very vague and cause huge issues for all involved). A LIT stipulates a duration of the trust, it stipulates who the liferent is, but more importantly, what the liferent can do. You can choose to allow the liferent the flexibility of moving, using any income created from the property, co habit etc; you set the ‘rules’ of the trust.
How does this benefit you?
A Discretionary Trust is almost the most ‘generic’ of trusts, you can set out guidelines within a letter of wishes for the reason for setting up the trust. It is the framework of the majority of trust we deal with. You nominate who you wish to be your Trustees, these people are then responsible for whatever is placed in that trust, and they act under your instructions set out. The fact this is a discretionary trust means that the trustees have the ‘discretion’ to do what they feel is the most appropriate/beneficial for the beneficiaries of the trust.
How can this benefit you?
A Vulnerable Person Trust (VPT) is designed specifically to protect any vulnerable beneficiaries within a Will. The vulnerability can be anything from disabilities to addictions. I see many clients that are worried to leave their estate to children, family or friends due to the fact that the person may not be able to properly manage their funds. This is when the VPT is perfect, it enables you to leave your estate to the people you wish, knowing that the funds will be looked after by people you trust and nominate yourself.
How can this benefit you?
If you would like more information regarding how a trust may benefit being added to your Will,
It’s completely free to ask me questions, so please do get in touch and start the conversation.
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